Nominations for the Executive Board

Now is the time to nominate someone for a chapter board position for the 2025-2026 year.

Please send your nominations and bios to by March 15, 2025.

Elections will take place during the month of April 2024. The term runs July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026. This is a great opportunity to get to better know your colleagues, and influence and support our Lower Columbia Basin Chapter.

Open Positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Advisory Group. The positions descriptions are described below.

The elections committee is led by Past President Mark Cranston, Jeff Murray and Feliciano Ramiraz .

Thank you for your interest and future involvement in Lower Columbia Basin Chapter.

Chapter Leadership Roles

Officer duties and time commitments vary greatly between chapters. The officer position descriptions below and estimated time commitments may be modified to fit the responsibilities of officers within specific chapters. For more information or to get involved, contact your chapter’s nominations and elections chair.


Purpose: The chapter president provides direction and support to create a meaningful and high-quality experience for chapter members.

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President-Elect/Vice President

Purpose: The chapter president-elect/vice president assists the chapter president in providing direction and support to the chapter to create a meaningful and high-quality experience for chapter members.

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Purpose: The chapter secretary ensures the chapter’s ability to provide continuity of a quality member experience by maintaining the chapter’s historical records.

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Purpose: The chapter treasurer ensures the chapter’s financial ability to serve its members. This volunteer leader manages chapter resources and funds, maintains and updates the chapter’s financial records, and provides leadership in financial responsibility and fund allocation.

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Advisor Group Member

Purpose: The Advisory Group Member serves as the liaison between the chapter’s members and ASSP. The delegate represents chapter members’ interests to Society Board of Directors and keeps chapter members informed on ASSP Board of Directors actions.

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Please send your nominations along with associated bios to by March 15, 2025.